
Monday, February 21, 2011

Working with Polymer clay

Well I love Polymer Clay but honey I am no pro ....I am still learning.  I have made tons and tons of mistakes and only a few things that might be usable.  Well other than my saucer beads and the round ones...I like those...So I am going to post a few pictures of some of my horrific sad pieces and some of the keepers they are all mixed together so you will know what I am talking about when you see them...Okay ya'll don't laugh too hard now.  If I can give you any word of advice when working with clay is don't get in a hurry.  Take your time don't forget to use release in your molds it baby powder, corn starch or the spray release you can purchase at you local Hobby lobby. 

Also when baking your beads and pendants use a timer ...I don't know how many things I have baked and forgotten about and realize that when I start smelling a really nasty tar pit smell...I was so mad at myself...If it would have been at all possible I would of kicked myself in the butt....Those were some pretty beads before they turned a really dark gray brown color and cracked.......SO PLEASE ,    USE A TIMER

So now for the pic...I and a bit nervous about posting these and showing some of my very ugly mistakes along with a few nicer pieces...but here goes ...bye for now

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