
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Festival mania

Hello Fellow Bloggers

Well I am making jewelry like a maniac but don't seem to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean was there a hazardous chemical spill and the tunnel has been closed or something.... I have 135 anklets ready for clasp and extension chains. I also have finished 40 ear cuffs but need loads more . I have baby bracelets to make. Key chains, cell phone chains, and toe rings to do...All of this plus loads more that ummmmmm at the moment I can't remember...All of this plus the forgotten has to be completed and loaded in the car by Nov. 2nd...Then off to Florida I go , In hopes of making my bank acct fuller, larger, ...... But the upside I get to spend ten days with my sisters and no kids to wait on and pick up after also no screaming , crying, running from one end of the house to the other at the speed of light no bouncing off the walls....Heavenly....All this work and stress is worth it...I would do all this and much much more for those ten days.........amen sista!!!!

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