
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pics of completed festival items


  1. I like how all your work is on cards. I am wondering how you display them at the fair. Do you have pegboard where they hang from something? I am having a hard time figuring that part out. If you don't mind sharing, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks, Marlene

  2. Hello ...Marlene. welcome to fiddledeedee...In answer to your question...Yes I use a peg board I have painted black with black can also use a grid wall with hooks and hang it from tent frame or from free standing wall boards....Hope I have answered your question. If not feel free to let me know if u need further help...Also thanks so much for visiting my blog...bye for now Jacqueline

  3. These are some amazing pieces. My favorite one is the read and blue bracelet. :)


Hi there and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your interest in my post. I look forward to your opinion. Thank you for leaving a comment. bye for now, Jacqueline