
Saturday, April 28, 2012


MAKING WIRE & BEAD JEWELRY ARTFUL WIREWORK TECHNIQUES When I received this book, I thought to myself another one of those hard to understand wire wrapping books. Before I even cracked the cover open I had passed judgement. So I sat down with a cup of coffee and opened the book. I was very pleasantly surprised. The first twenty nine pages of this book teaches you so much before you even get to the projects. Did I mention that this book is full of projects. Each project is full of brilliant easy to follow instructional photographs. These photographs will literally guide you step by step through your project of choice. I am talking about 500 incredible How-To photos along with easy to follow written instructions. This 144 page book will not disappoint you at all. The first 27 pages covers the following three topic: Tools and Materials , Wire Techniques & finishing . When I say covers these three topics I mean they thoroughly cover them. You will learn exactly what tools you will need to do all the projects in the book. You will learn Wire Techniques such as making coils, head pins, forming spirals, how to make a single and double ended paddles, and making wrapped eye loops just to mention a few. Last but not least they teach you finishing techniques such as antiquing, using liver of sulfur, polishing and tumbling. The projects are good for beginners and intermediate jewelers. These Ladies don't miss a beat, they put their heart and soul into making sure their readers understand their clearly written instructions and can follow them easily. Janice Berkebile won first and second place in 2005, in the Beaded Inspirations Wirework category at the Pugent Sound Bead Festival. Janice also teaches at Fusion Beads. She also teaches in multiple States. Her very artistic work has been featured in several books, including Wrap, Stitch, Fold & Rivet (Lark Jewelry & Beading); Stamped Metal Jewelry; and Metal Style. She also teaches online classes through Tracy Stanley has taught beading, wire and metal working for over 18 years. She has taught in bead stores all over the United States. She currently teaches at Fusion Beads and at shows around the country. Her work appears in several publications including, 500 Beaded Objects (Lark Beading & Jewelry); Make Stamped Metal Jewelry; and 101 Gorgeous Earrings just to mention a few. She has contributed articles to Bead&Button and Beadwork magazines. Tracy also has classes available online at These Ladies also own the business Wired Arts ( They teach wire work classes and sell materials from this site. Be sure to check them out. I absolutely love this book and Highly recommend it to all. Thank you Janice and Tracy and thank you Lark Jewelry & Beading.

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