
Saturday, June 16, 2012


In the beginning of this 138 page paperback book you will see 3 pages of brilliant pictures of all 60 projects. There is also an introduction which is loaded with good words of advice , and I quote. " So what are you waiting for? Step outside yourself, trust your instincts, and turn the page. The clock is ticking." ... So what I take from this quote is: Throw you creative inhibitions out the door. Just sit down and go for it. The sky is the limit. Put your imagination to the test. In 30 Minutes. After the introduction you receive 2 list of items you will need to create these projects. Time to go shopping.... Then the projects begin. Below see a few pics of just a few of the projects . Sorry I couldn't show you all of them . Along with the picture of each project you get step by step written instructions. There are no step by step photos. There are 46 different Jewelers who contributed to these 60 projects . Designers such as Amanda Shero Granstrom , Anjanette Randolph, Heather Crossley, Nancy Wickman and Ann L. Lumsden just to mention a few. After an afternoon of reading and pondering. I found projects for all levels of jewelers. I saw projects I absolutely loved and I saw those I didn't love. Although I greatly appreciated the artistic endeavors of all pieces. There were projects I thought I personally could do in 30 minutes. There were also projects I knew for sure would take me longer than 30 minutes. But no matter how long it takes you , at the end of the day you have a beautiful piece of jewelry to flaunt. As always I was awe struck and completely enjoyed this Lark publication. Once again Marthe Le Van, the senior editor for Jewelry and metals at LARK BOOKS, gave us all a brilliantly written book.

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