
Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sorry bloggers haven't been around as much. I have been so darn busy with these home renovations, my book reviews . I haven't been able to design anything lately as all is boxed up so room can be done. But it will be totally worth it in the long run. So hang in there with me. Even though haven't had many new post, there is still loads and loads to look at and read see my archives. I will be back on the blogging trail soon and you want be able to shut me up. Thank you one and all for your support and don't forget to follow my blog . bye for now and Happy beading to you all

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


30-MINUTE BRACELETS by Marthe Le Van published by LARK CRAFTS An Imprint of STERLING PUBLISHING CO.,INC 136 page paperback publication. On the first three pages you are treated to a small picture of each of the 60 projects. On Page 9 you will notice two complete list of items needed to create the projects in this book. List one is The BENCH TOOL KIT. List two is The SOLDERING KIT. So grab your pocketbook and lets go shopping. On Page 10 project one begins. At the top of each project you will notice a little get ready list of techniques used to create the project. EXAMPLE: PROJECT 1 GET READY: SAWING. FILING. HAMMERING. BENDING. Each project has their own get ready list of techniques used. Project 60 ends on page 129. Starting on page 130 and ending on page 133 you are treated to information about all of the contributing designers. On page 135 we learn that the author MARTHE LE VAN is a jewelry, metals, and beading editor for LARK JEWELRY AND BEADING. Since 2000, she has written, edited, juried, or curated more than 60 books. Here are a few individual pictures of a few of the projects in this book. I loved this book of brilliant and stunning bracelets as much as I did the, BOOK OF RINGS, THE BOOK OF EARRINGS AND THE BOOK OF NECKLACES. Marthe Le Van's expert experience shines in her layout of these 60 projects with written step by step instructions. Regardless how long it will take each of you to create these pieces, in the end you will have an awesome piece of bling to flaunt. Even if you don't love each project, you will learn new techniques while constructing them and will come to appreciate the artistic brilliance in each piece. So as the book says, and I quote,"SO, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? PICK A PROJECT AND SET THE TIMER. MAKE A FABULOUS FASHION STATEMENT...FAST."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


30-Minute Rings by Marthe Le Van, published by Lark Crafts an Imprint of Sterling Publishing. This Brilliant 136 page paperback book begins with pics of each project. On page nine you receive 2 list of supplies you will need to do all these projects. List one is a BENCH TOOL KIT and list two is a SOLDERING KIT. So get ready for a little trip to the store. On page ten the 60 projects begin with written step by step instructions and continue through pages 128 and 129 where the last project is completed. On pages 130-134 you are treated to a brief designing history of each designer. After reading this stunning book I was totally inspired. Within these 60 projects I found a lot of designs I truly loved and could see myself wearing . There were designs I couldn't see myself wearing but I totally appreciated the artistic value of them. There are projects for beginners through experts. As for taking 30 minutes per project well I think that would depend on each artist. As for me it would take me longer as I am not the fastest horse in the race. I was as mentioned before very inspired with the projects in this book. I am proud to have this awesome book in my crafting library. If you have any question regarding this publication please leave them in the comment area and I will be sure to get back to you with a asap. About the Author: Marthe Le Van is an extremely accomplished jewelry, metal and beading editor for Lark Crafts. Since 2000 she has written, edited , juried or curated more than 30 books.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


In the beginning of this 138 page paperback book you will see 3 pages of brilliant pictures of all 60 projects. There is also an introduction which is loaded with good words of advice , and I quote. " So what are you waiting for? Step outside yourself, trust your instincts, and turn the page. The clock is ticking." ... So what I take from this quote is: Throw you creative inhibitions out the door. Just sit down and go for it. The sky is the limit. Put your imagination to the test. In 30 Minutes. After the introduction you receive 2 list of items you will need to create these projects. Time to go shopping.... Then the projects begin. Below see a few pics of just a few of the projects . Sorry I couldn't show you all of them . Along with the picture of each project you get step by step written instructions. There are no step by step photos. There are 46 different Jewelers who contributed to these 60 projects . Designers such as Amanda Shero Granstrom , Anjanette Randolph, Heather Crossley, Nancy Wickman and Ann L. Lumsden just to mention a few. After an afternoon of reading and pondering. I found projects for all levels of jewelers. I saw projects I absolutely loved and I saw those I didn't love. Although I greatly appreciated the artistic endeavors of all pieces. There were projects I thought I personally could do in 30 minutes. There were also projects I knew for sure would take me longer than 30 minutes. But no matter how long it takes you , at the end of the day you have a beautiful piece of jewelry to flaunt. As always I was awe struck and completely enjoyed this Lark publication. Once again Marthe Le Van, the senior editor for Jewelry and metals at LARK BOOKS, gave us all a brilliantly written book.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


30-MINUTE NECKLACES by MARTHE LE VAN , PUBLISHED by LARK BOOKS A DIVISION of STERLING PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marthe Le Van is a jewelry editor for Lark Crafts. Since 2000 she has written, edited, juried or curated more than 40 titles. Marthe is a member of the Art Jewelry Forum, The Society of North Amnerican Goldsmiths and the Precious Metal Clay Guild. ABOUT THE BOOK: What a fabulous collection of designs and designers. This 136 page paper back book gives what it promises and more. There are 60 Outstanding projects. There are a few projects suitable for beginners. There are also projects that are a bit more complex and will require a bit more experience. Before you get to the projects you are treated to 3 pages of pictures of each design. Then on page 8 you receive an introduction. On page 9 there are two list of supplies you will need to do these projects...List one : BENCH TOOL KIT List two: SOLDERING KIT...I can't imagine having all these items on hand , but hey I love to shop. On page 10-129 the projects begin. Then on pages 130-134 you will learn about each contributing designer. Page 135 is about the author and acknowledgement and page 136 is the designer index. I found this book to be simply brilliant. I do however feel that some of the projects would take me longer than 30 minutes to complete. But I am not the fastest horse in the race. Every project isn't suitable for beginners. Some of the designs I loved and would wear proudly while others I couldn't see myself wearing. I did however greatly appreciate the artistry displayed in each piece.