
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I received a surprise package today and was so excited to open it. It was all I could do not to rip into it because it came from PRECIOSA ORNELA. When I opened the package I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the box crammed full of glass beads and goodies. The beads just sparkled and shined. I loved the beautiful blues and purples I saw. My mind went to work dreaming up all the hundreds of possibilities that lay before my eyes. I want to thank PRECIOSA for this awesome generous gift they have given me . If you are reading this PRECIOSA has the most beautiful glass beads on the market . You should give them a try you want be sorry... Bye for now and Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope to see you again. Jacqueline Marchant


  1. Jaacqueline they look amazing ! I am so excited as I too am waiting for my parcel- I am one of this month's winners! - Can't wait to see what you make I will follow your blog to keep track x

  2. thanks for your visit...and entering the Novica Contest.
    cynthia @ Beatnheart


Hi there and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your interest in my post. I look forward to your opinion. Thank you for leaving a comment. bye for now, Jacqueline