
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Creations I made in Memory of my Nephew Hakan Stevens

Hakan was a wonderful person and very very talented He had an amazing voice and poured his heart and soul into songs. His smile would light up a room. His favorite flower was the Hibiscus and I wanted so badly to be able to honor that by creating a polymer clay Hibiscus well I came up with one finally but will keep trying to improve on it for sure... The jewelry is full of love in the form of hearts... Hakan is greatly missed by his parents sisters and the rest of his family....


  1. I'm sure your nephew would be honoured that you spent time thinking of him, and creating these lovely pieces.

  2. Wonderful tribute to you nephew...the flower is lovely

  3. It's a lovely Hibiscus and a such sweet pieces. What a great way to honor him. Thanks for sharing - sorry for your loss.


  4. I think that your hibiscus is great. Your necklace is a wonderful tribute. Thanx for sharing.

  5. I love the hibiscus! Gorgeous pieces! Lots of love are in them!

  6. Thanks for sharing and your piece is beautiful!

  7. The hibiscus is lovely - what a wonderful tribute to your nephew!

  8. I can't tell you that I would even know what my husbands favorite flower is? The fact that you knew what your nephew's was tells me something...perhaps how close you were..and/or that he wasn't afraid to share those types of things. The pieces you dedicated to him are amazing! My sincere sympathy to you and his family.
    Terri G.

  9. Simply lovely...I love your tribute to your nephew.

  10. The flower is lovely. Sorry about the loss of your nephew.

  11. Thank you for sharing the story of your nephew. His memory lives on in your love for him. The jewelry you created is a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing your story. Enjoy the day. Erin

  12. I think you've created a lovely flower as a tribute for him. I'm so sorry for your loss

  13. I am Hakans Mom, Jacqueline is my sister. Hakan Loved Surfing and the Hibiscus flower is among the top photos on surfing stuff, shirts, decals, etc etc and we ( and Hakan ) Live/lived in florida where the Hibiscus flower grows well and Palm trees are abundant as well as surging which he loved ( also Scuba diving, Falconry, fishing, hunting, singing, playing guitar and Bass, etc etc. ) . We Also lived in Belize when Hakan was younger and the HIbiscus flowers were everywhere in the village we lived in and i use to comment all the time how much I loved the Beauty of those Flowers, so Hakan Grew up with this ,so that flower was special to him since it held memories of his childhood and he knew I loved it. So There is no way to ever look at a Hibiscus flower without thinking of Hakan My Dear sadly missed son. ~Hakans Mom


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