
Saturday, March 30, 2013


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Come on in sit a spell and have a look around. My name is Jacqueline Marchant but all my fam. and friends call me Jackie. I have been designing jewelry for a little over ten years. I don't consider myself an expert I still have so much I want to learn. Seems like I learn new things everyday. This is my first Bead Soup Blog Party to be a part of thanks to Lori Anderson. My partners name is Linda Anderson. Linda is very passionate about making her handmade one of a kind jewelry. She loves to work with Swarovski, Peciosa, Pearls, Mookaite and Filigree. Linda does sell her Jewelry on Etsy at the following link, Linda is a very kind hearted and giving person. She donates a portion of her sells to charities. So be sure to check her shop out. As for the soup I sent to Linda , well my goofy self forgot to take pictures of it before I mailed it so you will have to go to Linda's blog to see what I sent. But I did however take pictures of the amazing Bead Soup Linda sent me and . In this soup you see white mother of pearl curly beads, Satiny Purple acrylic beads, a Beautiful 32 X 24 faceted Oval Pendant. a very pretty silver toggle clasp, and some very sparkly round glitzy glamorous beads. All of this combined made a very colorful soup. I had the best time creating my pieces . I added some of my own stash with the soup and this is what I came up with. I however am not a great photographer hince the repetitive pics . Hope you liked what I came up with I had a blast doing it all....bye for now and Happy beading to you one and all


  1. very beautiful..... love them all

    1. Thank you so very much Diah that means a lot to me ....All the kind remarks inspires me to continue by craft. ty bye for now and Happy beading

  2. Lovely pieces. It's so cool how you used the clasps for a pair of earrings!

    1. Hi Rochelle, thank you so much for your kind words. I have to admit though I didn't invent the toggle clasp earrings. I saw a pair online somewhere and thought hummmmmmmm just maybe . So I gave it a shot (easie peasie) WA LA!!....i did it. So give it a try . ty again , bye for now and Happyy beading

  3. What a pretty set of jewelry you made! I really love the bracelet with those wavy shells, and the purple earrings are very cool. Great job!

    1. Hi Shirley: Thank you so much for your kind compliments. I loved the bracelet also would make a cool bracelet to wear with beach wear. Or to wear as an anklet if ya got small ankles maybe with bathing suit...I don't know just know I liked it. It took me awhile to figure out how to use them though. bye for now , and Happy beading

  4. That last piece is my favorite. Love the colours of the beads in that one.

    1. Thank you Tracy for you kind words. I am so glad you liked my endeavors. After looking at all the magnificent work of the other girls I felt like mine fell a little short of the mark. I mean there are some awesomely talented jewelry artist out there. I love their work. So anyway your words helped me out a lot ...ty so much, bye for now and Happy beading

  5. Beautiful creations, Jackie... I am drawn to the MOP piece, just SO lovely!

    (You might want to remove your captcha during the blog hop, just a suggestion.)

    1. Hey Monique ty so much for your kind words. I am so glad you liked the MOP bracelet . I thought maybe could even be work as an anklet if ya got small ankles ...would look great with a bathing suit or beach wear. anyway I am glad you liked it oh and by the way thank you so much for the heads up on the captcha...It took me a while to figure out what the heck captcha was and then to figure out how to turn it off. So glad you caught that. ty , bye fornow and Happy beading

  6. I love the color combo, great work!

    1. Hey there PiPa: Thank you for your kind words. I have been in a slump and having a time finding my inspiration (muse)....But being a part of this whole Bead Soup Party for the first time ever has really helped me out of my slump. Ty again , bye for now and Happy beading

  7. Your work has such a timeless feel to it. Beautiful. !!!

    1. Hi Susan: Thank you so much for your compliment. I felt the timeless thing when I finished the Necklace Earring Set. It made me think of this old movie with Jane Seymore. I don't know if you ever saw it .. The title is "SOMEWHERE IN TIME"
      i could just see her wearing it. As if right. lol....But we all can
      Any way ty so much , bye for now and Happy Beading

  8. I have to agree with Tracy, the last one is my favorite as well. Beautiful work!

    1. Hi Cindy . I thank you and Tracy so much for your thought ful and kind words I am so glad you liked that those pieces. I had been in a creative slump before signing on for this bead soup for my first time. But being a part of this has inspired me ( I found my muse). Ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  9. Oh wow, look at you go! I've worked with those mother of pearl pieces before -- they're very dramatic!

    You did a marvelous job, and I so appreciate your participating.

    1. Thank you Lori for having me in your bead soup party and for your kind words. I had a time figuring out exactly what to do with the mop beads. But finally figured it out and easie peasie ta
      Please let me know when and if you decide to do another one I will gladly be a part of it. Oh and Thank you for pickin the perfect partner . Please feel better soon bye for now and Happy beading

  10. the last set is my favourite
    I'm on the 3rd reveal, I'm partecipating for the 3rd time on BSBP, I'm visiting all blogs...

    ciao dall'Italia

    1. Hi Jo : Thank you for taking a peek at my work. I am so glad you liked that last piece it is my fav also. I will make sure to check your soup reveal out. bye for now and Happy beading

  11. The colors are gorgeous! Beautiful designs too, gret job!

    1. Your so sweet Pamala ty for your kind words. I love those colors also. When I opened my bead soup package I was thrilled to have those colors especially the green ones since green is my fav color. I have to admit it took me while to come up with ideas but I made it through. lol. anyway ty bye for now and Happy beading

  12. Beautiful work!
    Very nice jewelries!

    1. Hi Perl Thank you so very very much for those awesome words. I sometimes feel like my work is lacking so your thoughts picked me right up out of my pity care and thanks again, bye for now and Happy beading

  13. Beautyful pieces. The acrylic pendant is fascinating!

    1. Hi Natascha ty for taking the time to stop by and look at my soup reveal. You are so kind. I loved the Pendant also. I could have probably done more with it but thought it screamed simplicity, and it seemed to turn out good. Thank you again for stopping by.. bye for now and Happy beading

  14. The first piece is my favorite. So spectacularly sparkly! Though I am partial to the colors on the last one. Lovely job!

    1. Hey there Corner store goddess....Thank you for your words they encouraged me so much. I am so glad I was a part of this whole Bead Soup party thing. It has gotten me outta of a big creative slump. Ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  15. Please turn off CAPTCHA for the next few days so those of us who are vision challenged can comment. Took me three tries.

    1. Thank you girl didn't know what a captcha was had no idea it was on ty so much for the heads up and it is now off after the long search to find again

  16. Replies
    1. Why ty sweet lady. Just the words I needed to hear right now . All these kind compliments have helped me out of my creative ditch I had fallen into. I feel inspired to keep on keepin on if ya know what I mean. bye for now and Happy beading

  17. Your turquoise and purple set is gorgeous- I absolutely love it!

    1. Hi AC BEADS: Oh wow ty so very much for liking my work. You don't know how encouraging your kind thoughts are to me. ty again bye for now and Happy Beading

  18. I have been in something of a pink and gold mood lately so that first necklace is def on my favs list! :) Nicely done!!

    1. Hello Wind Dancer Studios: Thank you so much for liking my shiny pink and gold piece. I am so glad you thought it was nice. Kind words like yours helps us Crafty souls keep creating. bye for now and Happy beading

  19. Lovely work ! Gold and pink is always a winner :)

    1. Hey there Audrey: Thank you for stopping by and viewing my reveal. I am so glad you liked it. I enjoyed being a part of this whole bead soup party . Lori Anderson is just a great person don't ya think. Anyway I got my whole creativeness back...ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  20. Replies
    1. Hi Vovsblog: Wow ty girl I am so glad you thought so. I am truly happy I signed on to be a part of this bead soup party, it has been a blast. ty bye for now and Happy beading

  21. Great jewelry!

    I’m in the third reveal. Can’t wait.

    1. Hi Kathy : ty so much for your kind words and for stopping by to view my reveal I will be sure to check your reveal out. bye for now and happy beading

  22. Replies
    1. hello Dry Gulch: I agree about the colors I love them especially the green it being my fav color and all. Ty for liking my designs. Being a part of this party has been awesome. bye for now and Happy beading

  23. Replies
    1. Oh cool girl thank you so much for stopping by I am so glad you like my work. That means a lot to me. Ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  24. Fun colors! The mother of pearl curved pieces are really interesting. Great work!!

    1. Hey Janeen. Thanks for stopping by.I am so glad you liked the colors I have my partner to thank for that (Linda Anderson). I am so elated you thought my work was great. ty ever so much bye for now and happy beading

  25. Great collection, the colors are delightful!Beautiful works! Congrats!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind thoughts I am so thrilled that you liked my collection of bling....I had a blast making them...ty so very much, bye for now and Happy beading

  26. What a lot of interesting pieces! Those big white beads are fascinating, they must have been a challenge!

    1. Hi thank you for stopping by and for finding my creations interesting. Yes mam they were a challenge. I made several things from them and took them apart several times. Then I settled on the beachy bracelet. ty again bye for now and happy beading

  27. Everything is so pretty! The bracelet is my favorite!

  28. Very pretty group of pieces. I find that the pink and sparkly bracelet is my favorite too. Mostly because there's pink and sparkling beads:) Great first soup projects, congratulations.

  29. Love all the pieces you created but I think my favorite is the third piece in your reveal!

  30. very inventive-good soup and perfect work!!

  31. Just beautiful! Everything you made is exactly my style and I love the bracelet with those wavy shells! Gorgeous!

    1. Hello Tara: Thank you so much for your kind words . I am thrilled that you thought my creations were beautiful and gorgeous ...Such high praise means so much to me. It gives me the incentive to keep on keeping on...ty bye for now and Happy Beading

  32. Everything is just fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much Donna for your kind words so glad you liked what I created with my soup. bye for now and Happy beading

  33. Very pretty!! I really like the first necklace!

    1. Hello Leanne: Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I am so glad you liked the pink and gold necklace. ty so much, bye for now and Happy beading

  34. Wow! Love all the sparkles! Great job!

    1. Hello Marianna: So glad you stopped by and ty for the kind words they mean a lot. Bye for now and Happy beading

  35. So sparkly and 'cheerful' really love it!

    1. Hi there Dini thank you so much for visiting my blog. Thank you for your kind compliments. Glad you liked what I created with my bead soup....bye for now and Happy Beading

  36. Replies
    1. Hey I love your am totally addicted to my coffee also...Thank you for stopping by for a view of my pieces and ty for the compliment...bye for now and Happy beading

  37. Lovely use of a gorgeous soup: you use it well; and made it sparkle!

    1. I know Alicia wasn't my soup amazing. Thank you for liking what I did with it. bye for now and Happy beading

  38. You did great with your soup Jackie. I think the curvy mop beads might have stumped me but I like what you did with them.

    1. Hi Becky thank you for your very kind words. The mop beads did throw me for a loop. I put them together and took them apart so many times I lost count. In the end I went back to my first design and there is where I let them lay. lol....I am so glad you like what I finally ended up with. Thank you for stopping by...bye for now and Happy Beading

  39. Beautiful pieces, you did an amazing job with your soup, love your designs.

    1. Ah Kepi you are so kind ty for your very encouraging words. I had a blast doing this whole gig. Thank you for stopping by and Happy beading

  40. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Dyanne it means so much when others admire your work as I am sure you know. I had a blast with my bead soup I hope to be a part of many more of these events. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. bye for now and Happy Beading

  41. You made lovely designs with your soup!

    1. I Thank you kindly for your praise, it means a lot to me. Thanks again , bye for now and Happy Beading

  42. Nice use of your soup. I especially love the the last set...really pretty and not such an easy color to work with! Well for me anyways.

    Happy hopping!

    1. Thank you so much Patricia. The last set is my fav also. It took me a bit to figure the layout but it came to me as you can see. ty again for your kind words, bye for now and Happy beading

  43. I really like the teal and purple one, but they are all wonderful!! Great job! ~KM

    1. Ty so much for your kind words they mean so much to me. I had a blast doing this soup party , I hope to be in many more and extend my creativity. ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  44. Very pretty. I especially like the 2nd necklace

    1. Thank you very much Breana. I am so glad you stopped by for a look see. I love that Necklace also...Is it okay for me to say well, ty again, bye for now and Happy beading

  45. Replies
    1. Ah Marti you are so kind. Thank you so much . I am glad you liked my bead soup creations. bye for now and Happy beading

  46. What a vibrant soup you got to work with - and it looks like you really had fun with it! Aren't the mother of pearl curls just great?

    1. Hi Bobbie thank you for stopping by and looking about. I had a blast doing my first bead soup blog party. I loved the mop beads although I had a tough time figuring out what to do with them. It finally worked out. bye for now and happy beading

  47. You have created beautiful jewelry with an interesting soup! Love the curly shell beads!

  48. Thank you so much Nchantme for your kind words, I am so glad you liked what I created. I love the curly Mop beads also. They were hard to use but I finally figured it out. Thank you for stopping by , bye for now and Happy beading

  49. You certainly have created a beautiful collection from your soup! I'm hoping mine will be just as impressive.

    1. Oh wow ty so much Jeanne....I felt like mine was lacking after viewing some of the others amazing creations...Your words have encouraged me ty so much. bye for now and Happy beading

  50. Who knew bright purple and antique brass looked so good together?! Great pieces with your soup!

    1. Hi Stacy thanks for stopping by for a look at my bead soup creations. I know I thought why not and took a stab at it and thought to myself hey that doesn't look bad at all....
      So I went for it...bye for now then and Happy beading

  51. Your work is lovelyand these are certainly exceptional. Thanks for sharing these special pieces.

  52. Thank you so much Tammie for stopping by for a visit to view my soup creations. I am so thrilled that you liked what I came up with . Thank you for your kind words. bye for now then and Happy beading

  53. I love what you did with your soup, especially those little curvy shells!

    Love it all! Thanks for sharing!


  54. I am so glad you liked it Andrea ty for stopping by and Happy Beading

  55. I love the combination of blue, turquoise and brass.....lovely pieces. Those purple beads are beautiful and your designs made them pop!

  56. Dear Sweet Nan ty so much for your kinds words of inspiration. I am thrilled you liked my pieces and designs....Ty so much for stopping by my blog...bye for now and Happy beading

  57. I think your creations turned out wonderful! I especially love the bracelet you made with the MOP curly beads - very cool and organic!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind words...bye for now and Happy beading

  58. What wonderfully romantic pieces you made with your soup. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you CraftyHope for your thoughtful and kind words and for stopping by my blog....bye for now and Happy beading

  59. April 29th, 2013
    Hi Gelfling,
    Thanks so much for visiting & commenting on my third reveal post for the 7th Bead Soup Party.
    You have a lovely blog! Great to see what you did with your soup in March. Those twisted white beads were not easy to deal with. You found a cleverly elegant solution!
    Lovely bracelets, necklaces and earrings!
    An inspiration!
    Best wishes,
    Anna's third reveal

    1. Thank you Anna for your kind words. So glad you stopped by and ty for the compliment on my blog. I hope you will visit again... See ya for the next bead soup blog party event...bye for now then

  60. you did a great work! The colors of your beadsoup are great! I love your set on the last picture, just "MY" colors! Hugs, Doris

    1. Thank you so much Doris. You are so kind. Hope you enjoyed your visit to my very unorganized for now and Happy beading

  61. I'm sorry, I did not know what to call you. May I call you Jackie or Jacqueline?

    1. All my friends call me Jackie....So please do the same....
      Thank you for stopping by...Happy Beading

  62. Great job Jackie! Love everything you made, especially love those earrings, what a pretty finding and love the purple bead. Annita

    1. Thank you so much. Those are my fav also. I haven't decided whether to keep them or sell them....I am leaning toward keep ,lol, we shall see. bye for now and Happy beading

  63. Lovely designs! Those pearl curly beads look like they would be a real challenge for me but you did a wonderful job with them!

  64. They were an extreme challenge . I tried so many different designs with them that just didn't work...Then I just did the simple design which was the first design I tried...Thank you so much for your kind words and ty for stopping by my blog. Please visit again soon. Bye for now and Happy Beading

  65. Oh my I was drawn immediately to the first necklace, I guess it is the romantic in me. I love delicate looking pieces. Those MOP Shells would floor me, you did a great job. I really like to sparkle in the bracelet. And I think the color combination in the last necklace just sings of royalty. Great work!

  66. Thank you so much for your very kind words. I am so glad you liked my creations. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope you will visit again soon. I can't wait for the next party...ty again, bye for now , and Happy Beading

  67. Those curly beads are wild! You came up with some beautiful designs. Great job with your soup! :)

    1. Thank you so much Heidi and I am so glad you stopped by my blog.....and yes those curly beads were a trip girl I had a time with them but in the end I went with the first design I came up with.

  68. Beautiful piece. You did an awesome job with your soup!


Hi there and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your interest in my post. I look forward to your opinion. Thank you for leaving a comment. bye for now, Jacqueline