
Friday, April 12, 2013


BEWITCHING BEAD AND WIRE JEWELRY Easy Techniques for 40 Irresistible Projects Designs by 27 Leading Artists by Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott.......... About Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott: Suzanne is an independant writer and mini-publisher who collaborates with designers and authors in making books on crafts....... This 127 page soft cover book , published by Lark Crafts, starts off with a section on What you'll need. This section enlightens you on the basic materials and techniques you'll have and learn to complete the projects in this book. You will be introduced to some common wire types, colors, sizes and finishes. You will be able to refer to the wire gauge chart on page 123 to help you throughout the projects you chose to do , as needed. There is an overview of findings, tools, wire (curl, loops, spirals and wraps), and finishing (Which is the alteration of the natural color of a metal surface which results in a patina.) The projects then begin on page (18-122). Each project is accompanied with lists of : Materials, Tools, Dimensions and Instructions. The easy to follow written instructions have pictorial views of many of the steps. On page 124 you will be treated to a list of facts and websites of each contributing designer. I loved this section. I was thrilled to get to visit each designers websites. The projects in this book are stunning. This book will inspire you to take the plunge into wire wrapping. The instructions seemed very easy to follow. Not only does each designer share their project with us they also give us ways to get to know them each better by very graciously submitting their websites. Which as I mentioned above was a major plus to me. A standing ovation to Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott, all of the designers and Lark Crafts for a beautifully BEWITCHING BEAD AND WIRE JEWELRY publication. I recommend you check this book out

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