
Friday, March 21, 2014

Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective Edited by Damian Skinner

Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective, Edited by Damian Skinner and a joint venture between the Art Jewelry Forum ( and Lark Jewelry & Beading- an inprint of sterling publishing. About Damian Skinner. Mr. Skinner is an art historian and curator of applied arts and design at Auckland Museum and former editor of Art Jewelry forum. Mr Skinner is from Aoteroa, New Zealand. He was a Newton International fellow at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Canbridge, from 2012-2013. This 264 page publication takes you on a detailed extensive journey into the world of contemporary jewelry. So fasten your seat belt cause here we go. First I would like to share with you something Mr. Skinner shared in this extraordinary and extremely enlightening book. He came across this definition of craft by jeweler Bruce Metcalf which he liked very much. Craft is Multivalent by which he means has more than one dimension or aspect. Metcalfs definition is flexible, but also describes a series of tendencies or histories that craft practices like contemporary jewelry will engage with. Most often contemporary jewelry is an object which has been substantially made by hand, and it also tends to be- although it isn't always- made from traditional craft materials, by traditional craft techniques. Contemporary Jewelry has been in existence for an extremely long time and has evolved through the years and through the eyes of their creators. This is what you will come to comprehend when you read this book. Mr. Skinner has been meticulous in his gathering of knowledge and history. The photography is mesmerizing, stunning and brilliant all rolled into one. This is really an excellent demonstration, and imparting of history and knowledge in the world of contemporary jewelry and art. Many of the pictures you see in this book will give you cause for pause. Pause to reflect and ponder the meaning and the brilliance behind the creation you are contemplating. The insightful presentation will truly inspire you. Hats off to Mr. Damien Skinner, the Art Jewelry Forum and Lark Jewelry and Beading.
Jacqueline Marchant-Book Reviewer

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