
Saturday, May 10, 2014

8th Bead Soup Blog Party Reveal

Hi all my fellow Jewelry/Artisan Bloggers. Well to start with I would like to talk about my amazing partner. Her name is Jelveh Jaferian. Jelveh is an amazing Lampwork bead Artist and Jewelry designer. She is just brilliant. Her beads are beautiful and I hope you will all visit her blog Jelveh sent me a beautiful soup as you can see in the following pic. I have to admit I failed to take pics of the soup I sent Jelveh. I boxed it all up then realized oops I forgot to take the pics. So I am hoping that Jelveh got some pics of it. If not no prob...Well it took me forever to find the time and the inspiration and motivation to come up with a few designs which were not what I wanted to create but I was down to the wire and had to get with the program and find my muse and design something. I hope you see something that you like. I do however have to apologize I am not a photographer as you will notice. So I guess I will stop stalling and post the pics of the jewelry that came out of my soup. Oh and by the way I have two other pieces that are almost done so I will post them also sometime today. Here is the url to my partners blog site:

Here is the link to the list of blogs participating in this hop... Okay I added the last three ...I tried to show all the beautiful Lampwork beads Jelveh made and sent me...I also made The unakite earrings using components Jelveh sent me...In the little charm bracelet I left room for addition of charms from the travels or events in the owners life. In each design you will see pieces my partner sent me joined with some of my own stash...Okay well I hope you all enjoy and hope you have time to leave comments. Well it is bed time now after 3:00 a.m. here ... My pillow is calling my name ...Night all I will check back later today and spend the day hopping through all your blogs and leaving comments for you all...


  1. I love them all, specially the last piece with the red heart, omg they are all so gorgeous, thank you so much for doing such a great job with my soup. I did take photo of the soup you sent me and its on my blog. hope you like. thank you again for your lovely art.

    1. I am so glad you are pleased with the designs i did with the soup you sent me...That truly means a lot. ty for being such an amazing partner...Your talent in the Lampwork industry is simply brilliant ...Your work is impeccable.

  2. Elephants!! I love all of your earrings. Gorgeous.

    1. ty so much sweetie...Your positive feed back put a smile on my face...ty for stopping by and exploring a bit at my blog. I hope you come back and visit it again soon

  3. Wow, what a great variety of designs. I especially love the rings.

    1. ty so much..I am going to make a point to make rings every year i am lucky enough to be able to participate...they seem to be the shining point in my designs...ty so much

  4. So many amazing pieces!! I love the darling earrings, specially the two first pairs <3

    1. thanks mags I am thrilled you liked them...I totally enjoyed making them all ...well i better get back to hopping

  5. Replies
    1. ty sweetie I so appreciate the creativity is always nice when someone appreciates your work thanks again bye now

  6. Gorgeous pieces! I especially love the heart necklace. Wonderful!

    1. it is so nice of you to hop by. thank you so much for viewing my soup creations. It thrills me that so many people like anything i create...ty ty ty

  7. what a laborious creations!!!I admire your earrings and rings!

    1. I had a blast making those earrings and rings... ty so much for liking them...ty also for hopping by my blog...Have fun hopping about hope to see ya again next year. ...with all this hopping i sorta feel like a rascally rabbit

  8. Hello! Thank you for the comment on my blog post! :) Your soup results are abundant- so many pieces! So many ideas! I love the creativity!

    1. I loved your work...ty for hopping by my blog...I left a few carrots around my blog for all you hungry hoppers so sweet of you to complement my designs ty

  9. Love all the earrings, great style and fantastic to see some rings too

    1. ty so very much for the compliments..They truly inspire me to keep trying ...ty very much

  10. Great designs! I love all of the dangles and tiers in your designs! Way to use so much of your soup! xo Genea

    1. I tried really hard to do my partner proud and she seemed to like what i did with the soup she sent me...I used almost all of it. ty so very much for taking the time to hop by my blog and your kind compliment truly inspires me to keep creating.

  11. Replies
    1. thank u so much Donna I tried hard and i am satisfied with what I created and it is inspirational when others like your work ty for hopping by my blog

  12. Wow! Wonderful eye candy......Everything is so beautiful!

    1. ty sweetie I know you are such a busy celebrity and your time is precious ,it truly meant the world to me that u stopped by and took a look around ...we had almost 500 participants so there is tons upon tons to see not just

  13. Wonderful eye candy! Everything is so beautiful!

    1. Thank you Mark for hopping by my blog. Your kind comments are truly inspirational to me. thanks again bye now

  14. Beautiful! First thing that came to mind- that's ONE soup?!!! Wowza! Great job!

    1. I know right ...My partner truly was so very generous. I had a total blast with it all. I used almost all of it...ty for hopping by and for your kind words of encouragement

  15. You made so many things it's hard to believe you were behind and down to the wire. I really like the way the blue and green play off each other in the first earrings. Great job!

    1. Hi Ann ty so much for hopping by. I waited to the last few days to dig into my soup and come up with designs. If I had started way earlier maybe I could have done even more and possibly even a better job of it. I know those blue and green earrings are my fav also ...I think I will just have to keep them for ty so much for your words of encouragement

  16. You were a busy lady!! I love the labor intensive wire wrapping that you do. These pieces are excellent!

    1. I was terribly busy because I waited till the last few days to even think about getting in my studio and designing something. Also I did all those coil beads by hand...then later I could have kicked myself for not using the drill or dremel...The peanut gallery told me after the fact that I should have done that. ty for the inspiring words of encouragement. bye now

  17. Great soup! Looks like you have been real busy! Amazing

    1. ty sweetie ...I was very busy I procrastinated too long and ran out of time and had to work at a break neck speed to get things done by the dead line. .Talk a out a sigh of relief when i finished ...phew..ty so much for hopping by my blog hope to see ya next year.....

  18. Beautiful! I don't think there's one I don't like!

    1. ahhhh you r so sweet to say that...thank you so much...Words of inspiration and kindness are just the best! ty

  19. Wow you were busy! I love love love the necklace with the diamond focal and the red heart.

    1. Thank you so much for hopping by my blog. That necklace seems to be at the top of everyones like list ...I am thrilled...It always means so much to an artist when someone appreciates his or her work...ty for your very kind words bye now

  20. These are so great. Love all that gorgeous lampworked glass and what you did with it. What a creative collection of goodies! Your pieces are really dynamic and there's so much movement between levels and dangles and color. Bravo!

    1. ty you so much for stopping by and cruising my blog...I am so glad you liked what you saw. ty so much for your kind words...I will make it a point to stop by your blog also

  21. wow, you certainly made the soup go very very far. Great job and you have beautiful work.

  22. Don't you just love Jelveh's beads. She was my partner last year and I loved working with them. I love what you did with her soup, especially the ring. And the red and silver necklace is gorgeous. Great job!

    1. Thank you so much and yes Jelveh is amazing she is just brilliantly talented. Her soup was extremely generous. ty for your kind words they truly mean so much to me ...bye for now gots lots of hopping ta

  23. Great job ,you really got inspired by your bead soup.

    1. Yes I really did get inspired by Jelvahs brilliant Lampwork beads ...She is truly an amazing Lampwork glass artist...Jelvah Jaferian.....

  24. Looks like everything is working. Great work with your bead soup !!

    1. ty so much Debra I enjoyed working with my partners bead soup gift she is an amazing Lampwork bead artist. It was an easy process when you have such a generous and beautiful soup...

  25. such varied and different findings - it has all come together beautifully

    1. easy peasy ....Had a great partner and she is a brilliant lampwork bead artist. The soup she sent me was amazing and once I got my head wrapped around it Ideas started flowing...

  26. Really lovely! So many gorgeous pieces its hard to find a favourite. Well done :-)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Shalini...I love your name by the way...I had a blast working with the amazing generous soup my partner Jelvah Jaferian sent me ...thanks again well I best hop along

  27. love all of the many gorgeous pieces you've created :-)

    1. ty so the way I am a coffeeaddict myself...can't function without it. ty for your kind words they inspire me to continue creating and designing the good the bad and the ugly no matter what it is a stress I best hop along bye now

  28. much u created 😍

    1. Yes for sure andizee...Took me just a short while to wrap my head around my soup and start cooking up designs and when I got started I couldn't hardly stop...ty so much for hopping by my blog glad you came...

  29. I LOVE your fabulous selection. You sure had a great soup. I love it all but my fav is the heart necklace! Awesome all of it!

    1. ty Patty you are so kind. I had a blast and Jelvah Jaferian my partner was so generous with her Lampwork creations...they were just brilliant...

  30. I love it ALL! And I am not easy. lol You had a wonderful soup to work with and you did just that! My fav is the heart necklace. Wow!

    1. ty so much for your honesty. I am inspired by your words to keep on keeping on...ty so much well gotta go do my daily hopping..bye now

  31. So many pretties, wow ! I just can't pick one ! They are all so lovely !

    1. Audrey you are a sweetheart hun. Your kind words keep me on the path to happiness because if truth be told I am at my happiest when I am being creative...ty again ...gotta get back to hopping, bye now

  32. Jelveh is one of the very first lampwork artists I learned about early in my career, and she made me see the difference between factory lampwork and the good stuff. You did some great things, a LOT of great things! The rings are really well done -- mine don't come out that nice, especially with all those nice neat wraps at the back. I'm in LOVE with her hearts, and the coils made that special. Adore the bead focal in the first bracelet, and the earrings with all those Swarovskis -- I know how much work that takes!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to add the extra pictures, too! And if you want any photo tips, email me or message me in a couple of weeks!

    1. ty so much for your inspiring kind words Lori you always make us feel special....Jelvah's designs are just Brilliant...She was such a wonderful and generous partner...She had a hard time with my soup I sent her ...I sent tons and she found it a bit overwhelming...I get so worried when I am putting the soup together that they want have enough to create anything you for the offer to help me out with the photography aspect of the hop...I totally suck at taking pics...I will catch up with you once I can stop you are feeling well...Take care of you ... I best go I need to hop along to the next blog...bye now

  33. What interesting soup you had to work with! Just love all the pieces you made!! Think I like the first bracelet the best --but it's hard to choose :) (and your photos are just fine!)

    1. Ah Cris you are truly a kind person...I had a total blast working with my partner Jelvah Jaferians soup...She is an amazing Lampwork artist...ty for hopping by my blog and taking the time to comment...bye now gotta hop along

  34. Relax and bask in the glory of your work, and your partner's fabulous soup. I love all the earrings you made,

    1. ty Beti I am so grateful to my partner for her generosity...Her soup was amazing she is such a brilliant Lampwork artist. I had so much fun with those earrings glad you liked them...bye for now must hop on down the blogs

  35. Wow, so many beautiful pieces!!

    1. ty Christine ...whats a girl to do when she is given love the challenge swapping give us all...I find you can tell a lot about the artist through their designs and meeting such wonderfully talented people is a plus in my book...ty for your kind words and for hopping by my blog...

  36. WOW! You've been one busy gal! Everything is so pretty, I love all those earrings!

    1. ty sweetie ...I had a wonderfully fun time creating and designing with the amazing soup my partner sent me...I had a blast making those earrings...So glad you hopped by my blog feel free to hop in any time...bye for now I must hop along

  37. Wow - I do think you really enjoyed your soup! What a whole bunch of eye candy - thank you. My favorites are the earrings because I'm partial to the lime green. Great job,

    1. ty so much Sharon for your kind words. Green is my all time favorite color also. So much so I am about to paint my bedroom sage green. I had a blast working with the most generous soup my partner sent me. I loved making the earrings even though I should have arranged them better for the pics I didn't level up the swarovski crystals on the first pair and it made it look like there were more on one earring...Oh well live and learn right. I am so thankful you stopped by my blog and took the time to comment. Oh well guess I best hop along to some more blogs myself...bye now

  38. The red heart necklace is my favorite, really like the coils of wire. It is also very nice to see rings, something that I don't really think about when working with the soups, I don't know why. great designs

    1. Thank you so much Maire...Thistledown what a sweet name....I am so glad you hopped by my blog and took the time to share your thoughts. Your words were so kind and encouraging...I love making the rings but only know simple designs so far. I am still learning something new daily...Okay well guess I best hop along to the next blog bye now and thanks again

  39. Wow, you worked really hard to make some beautiful pieces! I love the bracelet and the rings the best, but they were all gorgeous! The lampwork shines! Gina H

    1. I tried my best to do the Amazing Lampwork beads justice. My partner is a brilliant Lampwork artist and she was so generous to send me some of her creations...I didn't want to disappoint her. Ty for hopping by and for your encouraging and kind words bye now must hop along

  40. So many lovely pieces, great job.

  41. Your wire wrapping complements the lampwork glass beads perfectly! Those rings are just perfect.

  42. I appreciate all your pieces, your workmanship is outstanding. Specially those rings! Lovely:)

  43. Wow, wonderful pieces. Especially I like the blue-green earrings. Yes, these are my colours!

  44. Oh, wow - you had a gorgeous soup to start with. Each piece is you designed is gorgeous, I like how you showcased the lampwork with simple elegance. Absolutely beautiful!

  45. well, you may not be a photographer(although your pictures were pretty good) but you are one mean wire worker

  46. Oh what a fun lot of earrings and rings! You certainly had fun! I think my favorite earrings are the ones with the swirls on top and the hearts on the bottom... and I love that necklace with the heart focal!

  47. What amazing beads you were given to play with!! Your jewelry is exquisite. That first pair of earrings is everything I love about making jewelry when it comes together in just the right way - complimentary colors, gorgeous individual beads, great design and well-made. The other pairs are great too, as well as the necklaces. I like your blog background - very romantic!

  48. I think that you're muse found you! Wow! I love that you made rings! I love the heart earrings and the necklace with the wire twists is awesome! You really made enough jewelry to stock a store! I'm so glad that I stopped by!

  49. I'm amazed at the number of beautiful pieces you created with your soup. So so productive! Your earrings are wonderful and I love the heart necklace and those rings are simple but so very pretty.

  50. How lovely! You were certainly busy... and everything is simply beautiful. What wonderful ways to combine your bead soup ingredients! :)

  51. Wow, what a huge collection of lovely pieces. The leafy green necklace is my favorite.

  52. Nice soup! Lovely beads and lovely colours. Your pieces are very pretty.

  53. made so many amazing pieces...just beautiful!

  54. Lovely pieces, my favorites are the blue/green dangle earrings with the Swarovski crystals and the gorgeous red heart necklace. I loved the coil work in that necklace. So pretty!

  55. Lovely pieces, my favorites are the blue/green dangle earrings with the Swarovski crystals and the gorgeous red heart necklace. I loved the coil work in that necklace. So pretty!

  56. My goodness, you made so many beautiful pieces out of your bead soup. I love them all!!

  57. Such a nice soup. Your boho necklace with a red heart is awesome! Especially all the wire stuff in it :)

  58. Wow, so many great pieces. Love the rings.

  59. Holy mackerel, whatta soup!!! Gorgeous beads and all kinds of goodies - and you made SO. MANY. PIECES!!! Too difficult to pick just one favorite piece - I love what you did with the red heart focal, and that green necklace with the elephant and the leaves is too cool - and the earrings, bracelet, and ring - oh my!!!

  60. Your wirework is absolutely divine!

  61. Wow! What a huge soup you have certainly made a lot of gorgeous things from it I love the necklace with the red heart bead and also the leaf necklace but you have certainly created alot of wonderful pieces.

  62. Wow! I think you'd win the "most pieces created out of one soup" award! Holy cow, you've been busy! I especially love the little heart earrings, and the coin & green earrings, and the heart lampwork bead necklace, and the charm bracelet ... and the list goes on and on! ;)

  63. You certainly were productive! So many pieces from one bead soup! Everything is stunning.

  64. Holy cow! That's a lot of beautiful work! Love the rings!

  65. OH my you really got inspired lots ,and lots of great pieces .

  66. all pieces are lovely but the necklace with the heart is just absolute stunning!!

  67. Wow! I'd be hard pressed to pick just one! I love the earrings...all of them. That first necklace is awesome . What beautiful wirework.

  68. Your wire work adds an interesting twist to your designs! The charm bracelet caught my eye. You create intestine balanced pieces. Very nice.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog . I am not sure however what you meant by intestine balanced pieces....does that mean I mix the bad with the good...I am a bit confused by that one...but I am very pleased that you found something nice in my designs...ty ever
      so much ...well bye now have to hop along

  69. Amazing!!! Ok, so...I love your bracelet [I really love chunky}, I love all of the earrings with my favorites being the unikite ones and I Love Love Love the red heart and wire work necklace. I love the movement the wonderful texture and even beyond that the quality of the wire work is inspiring!!! have a Blessed Day!!!

  70. Your work is fantastic. And what a great soup you received!!! I love everything that you made. Your wire work is something I aspire to.

  71. Super gorgeous creations, great designs, great color combinations, just all around great pieces!

  72. Fantastic work, and soooooo♥ many♥ pieces made in different styles, hats off / chapeau!

  73. Wow!! Amazing job with your soup! So many pieces...all just gorgeous!

  74. Thank you so much Sharon you kind words give me inspiration to keep on keeping on...thanks

  75. You sure were busy with this massive soup! Wow! My favorite are the swirly glass bead earrings with all the dangles. Very pretty! Thank you for sharing your creations with the 8th Bead Soup. Enjoy the day! Erin

  76. I am finally here admiring all your sweet designs, Jacqueline! Especially love those rings, something I rarely make. You certainly seem to have enjoyed your amazing soup :)

  77. Your designs are marvelous! You had great soup to work with and your wire work is absolutely fantastic!!!

  78. So many amazing pieces... I am very partial to all the hearts Well done

  79. What a great collection! I love how you showcased the gorgeous lampwork in all your creations - giving them the space they need to emphasize their beauty!

  80. You got so much made from your soup, how wonderful! I really like your rings, they are so perfectly made and simply stunning!

  81. Hi Jacqueline, Wow you made so many lovely pieces it is hard to pick a favorite. I really like the necklace. The earrings with the black swoosh are cool too. Your rings are great. Rings are something I have not done but after seeing your I am going to try.

  82. Perfect bead soup. Really liked the red color you used as big pendant and in sides on jewelry piece.


Hi there and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your interest in my post. I look forward to your opinion. Thank you for leaving a comment. bye for now, Jacqueline