
festival time getting close

Well it is that time, now what to pack all the jewelry in that is the question. Rubbermaid totes seem to be the way to go...I have separated the jewelry into smaller rubbermaid containers shoe box sizes. I am putting keychains in one, anklets, in another etcccccccc...Now I will pack these smaller containers into the large totes. Now it will be easier to locate what I need when I get there... The other tote will hold shopping bags, tools, extra tags (for hanging jewelry) ,findings (for any repairs that might need to be made),price tags, pens receipt book, gem stone charts etccccccccccccc....Then since I will be spending a week longer after the festival I will pack some more jewelry items to do and share with my sisters , fun I better pack some clothes and my tooth camera and plenty batteries...I will check my Ipad list to make sure I don't forget a thing...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Seafood festival in 8 days and tons to do

Well people I have a festival to be in in 8 days ...on the 6th day we have to have car packed and on the road...On seventh day we have to set booth up and on 8th and 9th is the big shabang. I have tons and tons left to do and last night I came down with a stomach bug. Feel so yucky today and I need this day to complete some stuff. Moving at a snails pace.

But hopfully it will all be worth it...Have you girls and guys ever had this stuff happen....

Chime in if you have any suggestions on how to get young adults and teens to step up and help am just no good at that..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Festival mania

Hello Fellow Bloggers

Well I am making jewelry like a maniac but don't seem to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean was there a hazardous chemical spill and the tunnel has been closed or something.... I have 135 anklets ready for clasp and extension chains. I also have finished 40 ear cuffs but need loads more . I have baby bracelets to make. Key chains, cell phone chains, and toe rings to do...All of this plus loads more that ummmmmm at the moment I can't remember...All of this plus the forgotten has to be completed and loaded in the car by Nov. 2nd...Then off to Florida I go , In hopes of making my bank acct fuller, larger, ...... But the upside I get to spend ten days with my sisters and no kids to wait on and pick up after also no screaming , crying, running from one end of the house to the other at the speed of light no bouncing off the walls....Heavenly....All this work and stress is worth it...I would do all this and much much more for those ten days.........amen sista!!!!