
Monday, March 4, 2013


About the Author: Patricia Kimle holds a PhD. in textiles and clothing from Iowa State University. She taught apparel design courses at the college level for seven years. She has been exploring Polymer Clay for over 20 years. She is also a certified instructor for metal clay. She combines metal clay with polymer clay. Patricia sells her jewelry to galleries and gift shops across the country. Patricia has written more than 30 project articles for jewelry and craft publications. Her first book, Polymer Clay Inspiration was published in 2005. In 2010 her book Perfectly Paired Designing Jewelry with polymer and metal clays was published. She teaches Polymer and Metal clay at events around the country, including the Bead and Button show. Patricia also has a video on you tube. Check her out at Patricia Kimles book EXPLORING CANEWORK IN POLYMER CLAY is absolutely brilliant. She provides you with a thorough list of instructions. She covers tools, clay, conditioning, baking, finishing and polishing. She then covers colors the most important consideration in planning can work design. There are three basic properties of color: hue, saturation, and value. Patricia discusses all of these properties with you . She takes you through color schemes and skinner blends. Through out this book all her written instructions are accompanied with step by step stunning photographs. Patricia also tucks little tips into her instructions here and there. I learned so much from reading this book and I have been playing around with polymer clay for over 6 years. Patricia explains and teaches us the different types of canes also. There are simple canes and complex canes. Patricia give us the guidance we need to tackle and accomplish both. She is very meticulous, considerate, and giving in this publication. I highly recommend you take the time to check this publication out. You want be sorry you did.

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